Wild by Nature, custom spraycans collections, 

SPOT Festival2023

Each year, the city of Nantes organizes SPOT Festival in order to allow young talents from the city to show what they do best. I was selected to do a custom spraycans exhibition and to live paint a mural during the 2023 edition.

The main goal of this exhibition is to give a second life to empty spraycans that I used while painting my murals. When it's empty, a spraycan is usually thrown away so I wanted to turn it into a piece of art instead. I chose to represent plants and animals as if they were taking over the spraycans, an object that usually destroys their environment. 

The exhibition is splitted into 6 series of 5 spraycans.

The 4 first represent animals from the ground, the sea, the air and plants.

The last 2 series are "tornadroses", as if roses where growing in spraycans, only waiting to bloom.

Each series is presented on a hand crafted and painted display.

This custom spraycans are now available, write me if you are interested in any of these!