Other formats

Photo ©  Maxence Ollivry

What formats can be painted?

To make it short, all of them! I adapt to the shape, material and size of every object to customize it and make unique pieces of art. From a simple canvas to a pair of shoes, clothes or a fake gun, everything is possible! 

Since I was also in the miniatures hobby for a long time, I can create custom sceneries and displays to make your object stand out even more. It's a way to make your custom object look more beautiful by putting it in its own universe.

Compared to murals, custom objects or canvases are often more affordable (and easier to remove if you don't like it anymore). 

On an environnement friendly outlook, customization can give a second life to objects, wether it's shoes or clothes. They can even be more useful and valuable than in their previous use, that's the case when I turn empty spraycans into pieces of art. 

Personal projects 

Have a look at some custom objects and paintings I do on my spare time.

I wanna see it!


Have a look at some custom objects and paintings I did for clients.

I wanna see it!