
Photo ©  Maxence Ollivry

Why would you chose a mural instead of a classic canvas?

Murals are an original kind of art that has several advantages depending of the project.

If you are a private individual:

If you are a private individual, a mural in your living room, your kids' bedroom or your garden will make these places unique in order to really make you feel home!

If you are a company:

If you are a company, decorate your walls with a mural will strenghten your visual identity, that's useful to communicate about your business and welcome new visitors! Also, all the people working in your offices will be in a more peaceful and inspiring atmosphere.

If you are a local authority:

If you are a local authority, a mural in the street, in a schoolyard or on a municipal building will embellish the urban area and help increasing citizens' welfare. A mural can also be interesting to attract more tourists to your town! 

Personal projects

Here is a portfolio of murals I paint on my spare time.

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Go through several mural projects I did for clients.

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